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The Process of Transformation

Medium - Film / Colour



Blink is a group of photos that are taken of daily things. The concept came from blinking, when a person blinks the smallest detail changes. Sometimes we notice the change and sometimes

we don't. In this series I wanted to show that every second is a change and transformation and within these photos change and transformation is presented. The process of transformation is

shown with the multiple overlays of different images combined into one. There is process within the photos but are only seen as one. But if you look closely you will notice that these photos have

changes and are being transformed as you look at it. Just like blinking, it happens in a few seconds but when thinking back you might not remember what just happened. The multiple layers

create blurriness within the photos, which is something I chose to work with because that way you would notice change. When you blink you're not always looking in the same spot. Your head

might've tilted or your body shifted, therefore nothing is perfect and the same.

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